How to Clean Alkaline Battery Corrosion


There are several ways for cleaning alkaline battery corrosion. Here are some suggestions.

Sanding, Solder and Others

You can use sanding to get rid of all the corrosion. Get some silver solder and apply it to the metal. This can restore some of the missing elements. If you removed any components, put them back in place now. Try using the batteries again.

You can also try using an emery board along with sanding. You can use baking soda. Mix the baking soda with some water. Apply some of it on the battery. Leave it there for a few minutes. Finish cleaning alkaline battery corrosion by wiping it with emery paper. Others prefer to just use carbonated soda. This can be enough to eliminate corrosion.

Vinegar and Other Substances

You can use vinegar cleaners to get rid of the corrosion. Just put it on the affected parts and wash it with water. There also contact cleaners available in stores. These are made up of glass fibers placed in a pen shaped contraption. You use this to wipe off the corrosion. Pink pencil erasers can remove light corrosion too.

You can also use lemon juice. Get a Q tip or brush. Dip it in the lemon juice and brush the battery. Cleaning alkaline battery corrosion using acid is also something you can try. However the acid shouldn’t be mixed with water.

Note: the amounts to use will vary. You can start off with a teaspoon of whatever cleansing agent you want to use. Mix this with a teaspoon of water and see what happens. Add more if it doesn’t work.


Take out the batteries when not using the device for a long time. This may help prevent any corrosion from building up. Also check the warranty. Some manufacturers will replace the batteries free of charge.

Be careful during the cleanup process. Alkaline batteries have potassium hydroxide. This has been known to cause eye and skin irritation. Wear gloves to avoid any adverse skin reactions. Wear glasses just to be sure.

You’ll spend less time cleaning alkaline battery corrosion by not mixing different brands. They are composed of differing components and might not be compatible. By all means avoid combining new and old batteries. Do not put the batteries if the electrical device is wet, and vice versa.


The vinegar solution can also be mixed with sandpaper. This compound should be applied to the affected area. Let it dry. If all else fails, contact the manufacturer and ask for a replacement. They may also know another way of cleaning it.

You might also consider switching to lithium batteries. They are less susceptible to corrosion.

Whatever cleaning method you use, it’s important that you take the batteries off the device the moment you see corrosion. If you leave the batteries in the device, the corrosion will spread. It might damage the gadget altogether.

Cleaning alkaline battery corrosion can take many forms. You might have to experiment with some of these solutions to find the right one. It’s very likely though, that you’ll find one that works for you.